Hello................. I'm Loyale/Lem. 18↑, any pronouns are ok.In addition to English, I'm learning JP / FIL / ESP.

✄ - - - Please Don't Follow... - - -

  • I frequently tweet and rt R18 content, please do not follow if under 18.

  • I don't care for ship discourse. I don't want to be around anyone that justifies bullying and harassment based on fictional content.

✄ - - -Before you follow: - - -

  • Follow/unfollow/block at any time.

  • I occasionally post art but overall this is a personal account, so I make a lot of miscellaneous daily-life tweets.

  • I often rt and tweet R18 and R18-Gore. I like for terrible things to happen to my favorite characters. I do not recommend following if you are uncomfortable with this. All explicit R18 images that I draw will be hidden under a privatter link--if the work contains gore, it will be tagged.

✄ - - -Identity V - - -

  • My main pairing is NaibJack (JackNaib), I have a preference for bottom Jack.

  • I multiship Jack with nearly everyone LOL. I often rt RipperJack, JackTracy, JackMichiko, HasturJack, and JackJoseph.

✄ - - -Soulsborne - - -✄ - - -Final Fantasy XIV - - -

  • Sometimes I draw my WOL and livetweet about playing FFXIV.

✄ - - -Sky: COTL - - -